Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DDD and BDD with Dan North of Thoughtworks

Yesterday I enjoyed my first NNUG (Norwegian .Net User Group) meeting and it was a great one! Dan North was there to hold a presentation on DDD (Domain Driven Design) and BDD (Behaviour Driven Development). Dan is the inventor of the BDD term so there was _not_ a lot lost in translation :) (disclaimer: if someone else invented the term than it is my mistake in trusting Google) Dan is a very good speaker that puts a great mix of humour and knowledge into his lecture, I would highly recommend people to go and joing his presentations when possible.

After the arranged agenda a subset of the group joined Dan to a pub and went on till twelve. This part may have been even more interesting than the actual presentation ;)

What is Behaviour-Driven Development?
“It’s about focusing on the behaviour of an application from the point of view of its stakeholders”
- Dan North