Saturday, September 6, 2008

Google Chrome


Just downloaded Google Chrome and am trying it out, so you could say I am a late adopter :) Looks great, feels great, works great. There are some things I especially like. For example it is what you use a browser for, browsing, Google Chrome is using the biggest screen area possible, having said that I would still like to see a smaller address bar.

But from a developer point of view I really like the 'Create application shortcuts' idea. This makes a web based application look and feel a little bit more like a desktop application. You don't want to confuse your users by having them open a web browser to do their work, nahh... I can see an installer just placing this little shortcut on the users desktop :D

I am a bit disappointed that they haven't integrated their Google Bookmarks into Google Chrome, but I am sure that is only a matter of time. A nice little tip is to add your Google Bookmarks search box to the Chrome search options (for lack of a better name for it). Go to options and click on the 'Manage' button next to the 'Default search'. Choose to Add a new search engine. Use the following values:

Name: Google Bookmarks
Keyword: gb

Name: Google Reader
Keyword: gr

Now when you start typing 'gb' you will see the option 'Search Google Bookmarks for <search term>' select that and everything you type after that will be redirected to the Google Bookmarks search page. I know you can do simulair stuff in other browsers, but in Chrome I don't have to select which search engine I want to use, I just type 'gb <search term>'. Great!

I would encourage you to download and install it, you will be missing a lot of add-on support (since it doesn't have it). Its minimalistic ;)

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