Saturday, September 20, 2008

That Agile Thing

I think he nailed it, doesn't matter what mythologies (pun intended) you are using, it is about delivering required functionality to your customer. And doing that in small iterations has been proven to work.



Anonymous said...

This got me thinking about Kanban, where there is no such thing as iterations, but it's still Agile. How would you feel about using this approach instead of iterations?

There is also a great talk over at InfoQ by David Andersen covering this topic.

Mark Nijhof said...

Thanks Jon,

That was a very interesting video; I'll have to look into Kanban some more as it sounds very interesting.

As we discussed before I don’t like the idea of having to plan and estimate the work to be done, if a project starts then I think it is important to provide a steady flow of increasing functionality. This is in my eyes more important than finishing the functionality in the estimated time, and because of that the actual estimates become irrelevant, since in the end only the provided functionality is important.

When using a process like Scrum, XP or RUP that uses iterations to deliver software I would rather sacrifice the use cases that are delivered in an iteration than letting go of the iteration time span to achieve the estimated number of use cases. Having said that I think having no iterations might work even better, functionality is delivered when it is finished, this maintains a reasonable steady flow of increased functionality, and removes he need to plan iterations. This goes with my personal opinion about the process. (This is how I understood the working of Kanban from the video; I’ll have to look more closely into it for sure).

Since you already seem to have spent time investigating into this, do you have any recommended books that I could read?
